Age Requirements
- Kindergarten - A child is eligible for admission to kindergarten if they are 5 years old before September 1st of the kindergarten year.
- First Grade - A child is eligible for admission to first grade if they are 6 years old by September 1st of the first grade year.
Documents Required for Registration
- Immunization records
- Proof of birth (birth certificate, passport, hospital record, etc.)
- Two proofs of residency (see below)
If the property or lease are not in either parent/guardian's name, a notarized Multiple Occupancy Affidavit must be completed and signed by the parent/guardian and the legal homeowner/renter, in addition to providing the 2 proofs of residency listed below. Affidavits are only valid for the current school year & become available after August 1st each year.
Property owners must submit 1 document from each category:
Category #1
- Current year's school or property tax bill with the child's parent/guardian listed as a property owner
- Mortgage statement (dated within 60 days)
- Settlement closing papers (for homes purchased within the past 60 days)
Category #2
- Current utility bill in parent/guardian's name dated within 60 days (electric, water/sewer, trash, cable TV, gas, oil)
- Moving/Occupancy permit from the Borough or Township issued within past 60 days
Renters must submit 1 document from each category:
Category #1
- Lease agreement from landlord with child's parent/guardian listed as tenant
Category #2
- Current utility bill in parent/guardian's name dated within 60 days (electric, water/sewer, trash, cable TV, gas, oil)
- Renter's insurance statement in parent/guardian's name dated within 60 days
- Moving/Occupancy permit from the Borough or Township issued within past 60 days
Required Immunizations
For attendance in all grades, children need the following:
- 4 doses of tetanus, diphtheria, and acellular pertussis (one dose on or after the fourth birthday) ~ Usually given as DTP or DTaP or if medically advisable DT or Td
- 4 doses of polio (fourth dose on or after fourth birthday and at least six months after previous dose given) ~ A fourth dose is not necessary if the third dose was administered at the age four years or older and at least six months after the previous dose.
- 2 doses of measles, mumps, rubella ~ Usually given as MMR
- 3 doses of hepatitis B
- 2 doses of varicella (chickenpox) or evidence of immunity