Flyer Submission
The Saucon Valley School District communicates with parent/ guardians by electronically sharing information that, while not generated by the schools, may be beneficial to the Saucon Valley community. Please review Board Policy 913.1 for information on how to request distribution of flyers.
Requests for permission to post information about events, products or the location where information may be accessed must be submitted to the Director of Student and Community Relations using the Flyer Approval and Submission Form found below.
Requests must be submitted at least two (2) weeks prior to the requested distribution date. If hard copies are requested and approved, information will be distributed by the District. Please note that hardcopies must be provided to the District by the requestor when approved.
Saucon Valley School District will not edit submissions and the District is not responsible for typographical errors or non working links. Material is printed as received. All editing and verifying is the responsibility of the submitting entity.
Flyers must be submitted as .jpeg or .png. Scanned images will not be approved.
Submitting organizations will be notified by email of the district's decision within three days of a complete submission.
Flyer Submission Form