Important Reminders:
BUS SAFETY – We ask that you talk with your children about the importance of staying seated while the bus is moving and listening to the Driver. If your child has a problem with another student, we ask that he/she inform the Driver when he/she is exiting the bus. The Driver will handle the problem by speaking with the other student or completing a bus conduct referral. Please review the Transportation Rules and Policy.
FLASHING RED LIGHTS ON THE BUS – to insure the safety of children entering and exiting a school bus, all vehicles are required by law to stop when the red lights of the bus are flashing on the school bus. No vehicle is to move until the red lights are off, including all vehicles at intersections. Violation of this law may result in fines up to $300 and loss of driver’s license for up to 3 months.
RURAL BUS STOPS – All mailboxes need to be clearly marked on both sides with large numbers if a child is being picked up at a residence.
BUS STOP PARKING – We have been asked by Hellertown & Lower Saucon Police to inform parents that any car parked in a “ No Parking” area by a bus stop will be ticketed. Please allow enough room for the bus to load and unload students.
READY FOR THE BUS – Children should be at their bus stop 5 minutes prior to pick up time. Please be aware that the first 2 weeks of school this time may vary.
KINDERGARTEN & 1st GRADERS – Please mark you child’s name, address and bus stop on the inside of his/her backpack in addition to his/her bus tag. This will provide the information to the Driver if your child cannot identify his/her bus stop. No Kindergarten or 1st Grade child will be dropped off at their stop unless a parent or guardian is there to receive them. Please make sure you are at your child’s stop in plenty of time to meet the bus. If you are not at the stop your child will be brought back to the Elementary School Office and you will need to come and pick them up.
RIDING A DIFFERENT BUS – students may only ride a bus they are rostered to. There is no riding home with friends.
TRANSPORTATION OFFICE – 610-838-7001 x1201 or
Transportation Announcements
The Saucon Valley School District has openings for CDL school bus driving positions. Come join our Saucon Valley School District community!