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Special Needs Resources for Parents

  • NICHCY (National Information Center for Children and Youth with Handicaps):

    Provides free information to assist parents, educators, care givers, advocates and others in helping children and youth with disabilities become participating members of the community. Publishes a newsletter and other publications, which include information about education. Write for a list of publications.

    • P.O. Box 1492, Washington, pde/bse. 20013
    • (800)695- 0285

    CHADD (Children with Attention Deficit Disorder):

    Provides resource material, newsletters, guest speakers and support to parents who have children with Attention Deficit Disorders.

    • National Organization (800)233-4050

    PIN (Parents Involved Network):

    A statewide support, advocacy, information and referral resource, and technical assistance center for families of children and adolescents with emotional or behavioral disorders.

    • 1211 Chestnut Street, 11th floor, Philadelphia, PA 19107
    • (215)751-1800 or (800)688-4226

    Learning Disabilities Association of Pennsylvania:

    Provides informational/referral and referral for advocacy for children or adults with learning disabilities. Publishes a newsletter. (subscription fee)

    • Toomey Building, Suite 7, Uwchland, PA 19480
    • (215)458-8193

    Special Education ConsultLine:

    The toll-free help line to assist parents of children with disabilities with questions concerning their children's special education program.

    • (800)879-2301 

    Educational Law Center:

    • Philadelphia, PA
    • (215)238-6970

    CONNECT Information Service:

    Is a hotline for information and literature about resources and services available in Pennsylvania for exceptional children and their families.

    • (800)692-7288
    • TTY: (800)-654-5984