Gifted Education
In compliance with state law, services designed to meet the unique needs of gifted students are provided. Students are identified individually based on guidelines and regulations embodied in state law under Chapter 16. Students who possess superior intelligence scores or who meet the multiple eligibility criteria indicating gifted ability by the Gifted Multidisciplinary Team are provided with a program of specially designed instruction to meet the outstanding intellectual and creative abilities of the student. Gifted instructional services for eligible students are delineated on a Gifted Individualized Education Plan and address areas of demonstrated gifted achievement. If your child is thought to qualify for gifted services, you will be notified of screening and evaluation procedures. Requests for screening and evaluation should be made to your student’s classroom teacher, school counselor, or building principal.
Pennsylvania law defines "gifted" as:
Outstanding intellectual and creative ability the development of which requires special services and programs not ordinarily in the regular education program.
This term includes a person who has an IQ of 130 or higher or when multiple criteria as set forth in the Department Guidelines indicate gifted ability. Determination of gifted ability will not be based on IQ score alone. A person with an IQ score lower than 130 may be admitted to the gifted programs when other educational criteria in the profile of the person strongly indicate gifted ability. Determination of mentally gifted shall include a full assessment and comprehensive report by a public school psychologist specifying the nature and degree of the ability.