The Role of School Counselors is essential to ensure success for all students in the areas of Academic, Career, and Social/Emotional development.
If your child is experiencing difficulties, here are ways we can offer assistance:
- Short-term individual counseling
- Group counseling
- Classroom lessons
- Consultation with and referrals to outside agencies
- Collaboration between parents and educators
- Coordination of team meetings and/or additional resources
School counselors meet with students about a variety of topics, including:
- Academics
- Study Skills & Organizational Skills
- Future Planning & Goal Setting
- Coping Skills
- Friendships & Other Relationships
- Anxiety & Stress Management
- Grief & Loss
- And many, many more!
Volunteer Opportunities
Your tool for career exploration and job analysis
Project between multiple agencies to provide career services to PA employers and potential employees
Career Information on hundreds of occupations
Latest trends and info for jobs
Digital books and documents
Explore your career locally with this program
A Career Planning and Portfolio Platform for Kids, Teens and Young Adults
Career videos are organized into 16 clusters, or related types of work. Select a category to view a list of videos related to that cluster. Videos include career details such as tasks, work settings, education needed, and more.
Pennsylvania's standards for Career Education and Work
Circle items in each box that best describe you. Add up the number of circles in each box to see which three boxes have the highest numbers. Find the corresponding Career Clusters you may want to explore.
Social/ Emotional
A place for students and families to find tools and strategies for managing emotions and feelings
List of 10 activities to calm your mind and body in less than 5 minutes
A 10-point plan to help decrease stress
Informational activity packet on Coping, Mindfulness, Distress Tolerance, and Self-Harm and Safety Planning
Community Supports
Giving people, especially youth, the knowledge and tools they need to make better-informed and more positive life choices
Dial 2-1-1 to be connected with an operator who has access to a database of health and human services available in our local community
Serving the behavioral and mental health needs of children, families, and communities
Helping students achieve their desired future through genuine relationships that support families, ensure safe places, and build community connections
Proactively supporting the health and well-being of students from kindergarten through college
Report suspected child abuse/neglect online or call 24-hour hotline 1-800-932-0313
The following resources are listed for informational purposes only. Saucon Valley School District does not endorse the use of any specific resource listed, but as a convenience provides a description and contact information should you find one of these resources beneficial to your needs.
Childline (Report child abuse) - 24 hour service 1-800-932-0313.
Northampton County Crisis Intervention - 24 hour service 610-252-9060
Lehigh County Crisis Intervention - 24 hour service 610-782-3127
National Suicide Prevention - 24 hour service - Call or Text 988 - National Suicide Prevention Website
National Abuse Hotline - 1-800-799-7233
Spanish Domestic Abuse Hotline - 1-800-942-6908
Abstinence/Adoption - 610-821-0943
Alcohol Abuse - 610-882-0558
Drug & Alcohol - 610-997-5800 (Northampton County) 610-782-3064 (Lehigh County)
Eating Disorders - 610-435-2736
STD & HIV Testing - 610-865-7087 (Northampton County) 610-437-7742 (Lehigh County)
Teen Central - anonymous help-line web site, created for teens, by teens
Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Helpline - (888) 843-4564
The Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Hotline provides telephone and email peer counseling, as wells as factual information and local resources for cities and towns across the United States.
Transgender Suicide Hotline - 877-565-8860
National Runaway Switchboard 1-800-786-2929
Toll-free, nationwide hot-line for runaways and troubled youth. Provides information and referral for shelter, counseling, medical and legal services and transportation back home.
Valley Youth House - 610-691-1200
Valley Youth House offers runaway and homeless youth shelter in which food, shower and shelter are provided along with information and referral, counseling and more
Turning Point Of The Lehigh Valley - 610-797-0530
Turning Point of Lehigh Valley provides emergency services to victims of domestic violence such as Safe House/Shelter, Individual and group counseling for adult and child survivors, Legal/Medical Advocacy
Parent Resources
Caron Lehigh Valley Parent Groups - connect with other parents, guardians and caregivers whose teenager or adult children have struggled with drug addiction or alcoholism. Groups are free to attend. Groups available in Easton and Allentown. Contact Caron for more information: 800-678-2332 or
Child Care Information Services: Child Care Work Subsidy Program - 610-419-4500 or 1-866-800-3880
Subsidies to help parents pay for childcare are provided for Northampton County residents by Child Care Information Services, Inc. through funds from Pennsylvania’s Office of Child Development and Early Learning.
Northampton County Government Early Intervention - 610-974-7511
Northampton County’s Early Intervention Program services are designed to meet the developmental needs of children from birth to three years old with a disability as well as the needs of the family related to enhancing the child’s development. The program is at no cost to families and is designed as a family centered approach.
PA Families Incorporated - 1-800-947-4941
Statewide network providing support to families raising children and youth with emotional, behavioral, and special needs, as well as serving as an advocate in the different child serving systems.
Low-income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) - provides home heating energy assistance grants and crisis grants to those struggling to pay their heating bills.
Northampton County - 610-250-1785 or 610-250-1786
Lehigh County - 610-821-6509
Additional Resources can be found in the Northampton County Resource Guide
- program runs in 8 week sessions throughout the year
- provides an opportunity for the whole family to learn skills to help them cope with cancer
- For more information visit:
- 866-857-7095