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District & Building Guidelines


District Acceptable Use Policy

It is the belief of the Board that the value of technology in the educational and support processes outweighs the potential risk of misuse. The Board is, however, committed to a policy, which seeks to discourage, minimize and avoid any misuse by students, faculty and staff.


The U.S. Department of Education runs the Privacy Technical Assistance Center (PTAC) as a “one-stop” resource for answering questions and addressing concerns related to privacy, confidentiality, and security practices. PTAC provides timely information and updated guidance on privacy, confidentiality, and security practices.


Elementary School Responsible Use Agreement

Saucon Valley Elementary School uses technology to learn how to become self-directed learners, connecting with one another and the world in a respectful, responsible, and safe way.

Middle School Responsible Use Agreement

Student access to technology requires responsible, courteous, efficient, and legal use. Our goal in providing access to these resources is to enhance learning experiences and to educate students in responsible and appropriate use.

High School Responsible Use Agreement

Saucon Valley School District’s resources are provided to support, enhance and transform student learning. All members of the learning community need to use technology in ways that make a positive contribution.