Connectivity & Tech Equity
The use of online tools, collateral, and multimedia has become commonplace in every type curriculum and across every grade level. Educators are quickly incorporating digital learning into classroom pedagogy because they understand the power these resources bring to the learning experience.
Today’s students are technologically savvy and easily embrace digital learning. In fact, a recent study shows that more than 70% of students in grades K through 12 think every student should have access to a mobile device during the school day to embrace learning. Additionally, 30% of high school students use the Internet on a daily basis to complete their studies.
As districts and schools continue to expand their digital learning, 1:1, and BYOD programs, it often creates an unintended digital divide or Homework Gap between those students with adequate, off- campus, access to the Internet and those students who lack access. Within every district, there are hundreds, or even thousands, of students who do not have Internet access once they leave the classroom.
--Kajeet Smartspot Program
Kajeet SmartSpot
The Saucon Valley School District is offering a limited number of free wireless hotspot devices to students who have limited or no Internet access outside of school. This “Smartspot” program enables students to "check out" Internet service—absolutely free.
Smartspot Parent Consent Form
This program is intended to help Saucon Valley students access online resources at home for school work or school research purposes. By signing this form, parents/guardians agree to the terms stated above and assume all responsibility for equipment signed out to the student.