Information Technology
The Saucon Valley School District provides comprehensive and equitable access to educational technology and web resources to ensure its students develop the essential knowledge, skills, and dispositions necessary to thrive as citizens and lifelong learners.
The Saucon Valley School District is committed to developing students who are college and career ready.
Teaching and learning with technology at Saucon Valley School District aims to:
- Enhance teaching and learning, guided by the SAMR framework and TPACK framework as measured by classroom walkthroughs, observations, and surveys.
- Strengthen teacher/leadership capacity identifying, planning, and delivering learning experiences guided by ISTE Standards as measured by classroom walkthroughs, observations, and surveys.
- Increased occurrences of higher level thinking, guided by Webb’s Depths of Knowledge (DOK) as measured by classroom walkthroughs, observations, and surveys.
- Increase opportunities for all students to develop and practice age appropriate digital citizenship skills as measured by classroom walkthrough, observations, and surveys.
- Increase opportunities for all students to develop and practice literacies that provide readiness for college and career in our interconnected world.
A variety of tools (surveys; classroom observations; focus groups with teachers/students, classroom walkthroughs) are used to collect data to assess and evaluate the impact technology has on teaching and learning. Data will be regularly analyzed to determine the effectiveness of implementation and progress toward the goals of the district.