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Employment Clearances

Pennsylvania Clearances

The Pennsylvania State Police has also established a web-based computer application called “Pennsylvania Access To Criminal History,” (PATCH) Using this system, a requestor can apply for a criminal background check on an individual.

FBI Federal Criminal History Records

IdentoGO is Pennsylvania's new vendor for digital fingerprinting. You can register and be fingerprinted at an IdentoGO location. You do not need an appointment to be fingerprinted, but you must pre-register. Once you are registered, you may visit any location during operating hours. All school volunteers must now obtain a volunteer Service Code from the PA Dept. of Human Services (DHS). To obtain a volunteer Service Code, individuals must contact DHS at 1-877-371-5422 or

 Child Abuse History Clearance

The Child Welfare Information Service provides a means for individuals to apply for PA Child Abuse History Clearance online and for mandated reporters to report child abuse in Pennsylvania.

Additional Information about Clearances/Background Checks

Pennsylvania School Law requires that all applicants for employment in public and private schools, employees of independent contractors seeking business with public and private schools, and student teacher candidates undergo background checks if they will have direct contact with students.  Visit PDE's website for more information about state required clearances and background checks.