Library & Media Science
The Library is the hub of our schools and plays a central role in the education of our students. The philosophy of our Library Media Program is one of flexible, open-access to support all curricular areas and personal interests. Students can access the Library Media Centers of all three, district buildings at any time for individual or group work. Students can access resources such as books and research materials and use technology tools to create, collaborate and communicate. The Library Media Specialists are ready and available for reference help and assistance using technology to facilitate our students’ curiosity to learn. Research shows that school media centers have transcended the physical spaces they occupy as more of their resources are available 24/7 through the power of the Internet. As we move into the future, we strive to be a "media center without walls" where learning never stops.
In addition to providing a variety of print and electronic resources, our media centers also deliver a collaborative and standards-based curriculum. The Saucon Valley Library and Media curriculum aligns with the following national and state standards:
- Research and Information Fluency - Students locate, access, evaluate, synthesize and use information effectively and efficiently to conduct research, solve problems and manage projects through all content areas.
- Communication and Innovation - Students interpret, evaluate, communicate and work collaboratively to create innovative products using digital and visual media.
- Technology Operations and Concepts - Students demonstrate a sound understanding of technology concepts, systems and operations and use computers and other technologies for productivity, problem-solving and learning.
- Digital Citizenship - Students practice responsible, legal, safe and ethical use of information resources and technology.
- Literature Appreciation and Independent Learning - Reading is a foundational skill for learning, personal growth and enjoyment
For further information regarding course content and details, please click here to access the High School Program of Studies.