Language Arts
Grades K-4
Instructional research and design regarding English and Language Arts for elementary aged students has been focused on how students learn and grow in their abilities to use language to better understand the changing world around them. To be prepared for participation in a global learning community, Saucon Valley students are taught through the integration of reading, writing, listening, speaking, and thinking---and using those language skills seamlessly in the completion of meaningful tasks with a specific audience and purpose.
Our students have opportunities to work in whole class, small group, and individual settings. They are expected to read from a variety of literature and write daily. Frequent drafting of written work includes attention not only to the finished product, but also to the actual processes that writers use: planning, drafting, conferencing, revising for improved meaning, editing for correctness, and publishing for real audiences. Language skills including spelling, grammar, mechanics, and usage are taught in the context of authentic reading and writing tasks, rather than in isolation. Saucon Valley students regularly utilize technology as a tool for the refinement of language arts skills.
Grades 5-8
The Middle School language arts program in the Saucon Valley School District integrates reading, literature study, writing, research, listening and speaking at each grade level.
In preparation for college and the workplace, our students are focused on the achievement of high academic standards in the language arts. Students learn to read independently and critically, analyze and respond to literature, write in various forms for a variety of purposes, speak proficiently and use research skills often and ethically.
Grades 9-12
The secondary language arts program in Saucon Valley integrates reading, literature study, writing, speaking, and research skills at each grade level. Our program goal is to have students achieve high academic standards in the language arts: reading independently, reading critically, analyzing and responding to literature, writing in various forms for a variety of audiences, producing compositions of high quality, speaking proficiently, and using research skills.
The High School also offers a wide array of additional electives, such as Journalism, Publication and Technology, Public Speaking, Shakespeare to Sitcom, Creative Writing and Evolution of the Hero.
For further information regarding course content and details, please click here to access the High School Program of Studies.